It relies on a constructed deck to maximise your advantages on the card draws, and the synergy between certain card combinations. Rather than "mana" you have elemental Pillar cards that deliver a constant flow of currency to summon other cards, whether they be offensive creatures, or support cards such as spells, shields or weapons.
Each player has a guarenteed energy slot for their Elemental school (of which there are 12). The player also has an offensive weapon slot, for bonus attacks and a defensive slot for a shield or reflector of some sort. In addition to this, your permanent cards, such as pillars and artifacts or effects cards stack up at the back. Your creature cards are laid up front, where they exert an attack at the end of each turn.
Like in Magic the Gathering, certain Creatures have special abilities which can be activated before you initiate the attack by ending the turn. Some spell cards attack or destroy creature cards, some target the permanent support cards, or even the players life points themselves.
Theres no blocking as such, but each creature has an offensive value, and a hit point value that can be whittled down by offensive spells, until the creature dies.
A win in the game can reward you with gold coins (which you can use to buy more cards), rank points (to demonstrate how good you are, conversely losing a game can forfeit some of those points) and loot attempts (by spinning a slot machine wheel) to gain you some random free cards.
There is a deck builder and a bazaar where you can purchase extra cards, although I've not investigated the player trading mechanism at this time.
The game can be played against the AI at different levels, or you can take it online against other players (which costs gold coins to form a challenge), if they are of a similar skill rank.
The game presents itself well, and delivers a very easy to pick up casual card battler. It also has a quest based system, whereby you complete certain tasks, and you gain rewards. These quests start off as quite easy, such as buying a card, or selling a card, and become harder as the rewards become better, such as gaining a certain rank score.
Since the game is free to play, I can thoroughly recommend the game to anyone interested in a quick blast of collectible card gaming with the ability to change your elemental nature, customise your deck, play against other friends, level up your rank and link your Elements account into Facebook.
Its simple and elegant enough for everyone to play, yet has some complexity to keep card battling gamers amused for a while.
For more information check out the Elements Wiki.
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