Thursday, 5 February 2009

Cortex Command

Bloody good game this, imagine Worms, but with proper physics, proper guns, and deformable terrain, with resource collection, in real time. The demo only gives you an hour of gameplay, but after that I was hankering after much more... the only downer is the game is still mid-development, however, they allow you to purchase it, as is, with its 1 tutorial level, and 2 other levels, and the level editor, and the multiplayer skirmish mode. I bought it because I was having so much fun on just the tutorial level, I couldn't stop playing after the hour. Its cheaper to purchase at the moment, because its not finished, but as it gets done, the price will go up, until at final release it will be full price.. its an odd way of marketing, and I'm not sure they'll get enough interest to finish it.. but they should.. its got a whole lot of potential, especially if the level editor is up to scratch.

Its quite a brutal game, to control the 'actors' you have to master jetpacks and the physics of not getting stuck, or smashing into things, every bump will take your health down a notch, ordering new materials, has rockets landing and dropping off, but you can't guarentee that it won't tip over and blast your other men with its exhausts.. very entertaining. Give it a try and play out the tutorial.. I failed the tutorial level about 10 times before completing it, and normally that would turn anyone off, but this just made me want more and more.. amazing.. worth a look anyway.

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