Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Eurogamer.net Game of the Year


My top five

1. Mass Effect (PC)

The PC version has taken the pitfalls from the 360 version and tweaked them to make the ride even smoother. Its combination of story and action and roleplaying in a believable universe, coupled with the cinematic action and emotional attachment to the characters make it a truly stand out landmark of a game.

2. Lord of the Rings Online: Mines of Moria (PC)

Moria is the first expansion, and it truly mines the depths of Tolkiens tale, enhancing the current experience for all players, whether at level cap, or beginning afresh with two new character classes to play. Bringing in Legendary weapons and all the additional character tweaking that can be done has been another landmark in MMO history.

3. Battlefield: Bad Company (360)

A true multi class multiplayer combat classic. Unlike CoD4 where class hybridisation was king, B:BC is all about teamwork, in a way thats only been seen in the likes of Team Fortress.

4. Gears of War 2 (360)

Epic gameplay adding upon the original in every way possible. A stronger multiplayer lineup, the survival Horde mode adding on top of co-operative play. The best duck and cover 3rd person stylish shooter just got a whole lot better.

5. Resistance 2 (PS3)

Mainly because its forged a niche that makes the PS3 a viable online FPS platform, mixing old school Halo-style combat, with survival style co-operative play, including class interaction that rivals MMO's. Basically because its got me wanting to play online on the PS3, and has forced me to buy a headset after over a year.

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