Sunday, 9 July 2006

The Oily Tears of a Cyberman

Mulling over the final episode of the new Doctor Who series 'Doomsday'..

The cheesiest moment, being that bitch, after becoming a Cyberman, rebelling and proving that she 'served her Queen and her country' by shedding an oily tear! FFS! Give us a fucking break, you big gay bastard! Cybermen, filled with oil, shedding an emotional tear.

I enjoyed the Cybermen vs the Daleks, I wish it could have been a bit more CGI and spectacular than it was.

I think the trouble with this new run of Dr Who, is that they seem to rate the Assistant above the Dr. They base all the stories around the emotional content of the assistant. Even the Dr gets emotionally involved, they had Eccleston cry over her, and now they've got the googley eyed whacky smiled new Dr to cry over her. It makes me feel like they cheat the Dr out of his power. His power to remain detached and control even the worst case scenarios. The new series has put him in the periphery and has made the assistants plight the main focus. Just feels wrong. They should keep the sentimental cheese to the
minimum too.

My nipped loved this episode. But mainly because there was a battle between Cybermen and the Daleks, and also because Rose was meant to die. But she didn't. Because we have to keep it all optimistic and nice, yet milk the teary emotional stuff, rather than focus on the Timelord who is meant to be the star of the show!

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