Fook me this is the biz, the bees nollocks! Imagine unimaginable amounts of alien horde swarming towards you in narrow science lab hallways, breaking out of walls and generally coming to dismember you. Then imagine having a leather clad honey (or leather clad butch) depending on your persuasion, with twin desert eagles blazing away, with shells falling all around, and pulsing techno beats rattling your brain. Then imagine, if you will, picking up a shotgun and emptying that into the green menace, out comes your minigun and you chain spray them all over the walls, they still keep coming, so you flip out the grenade launcher and thin them out a touch, to nail them hard with your plasma gun, instantly turning them into mulched goo! Nightvision equipped its time to crawl through another dark infested lab.
http://www.sigma-team.net/alienshooter/index.htmTime limited demo available for download. I just bought the full version for £12 (inc VAT). It's isometric top down view (ala Diablo etc), it uses the WASD or cursor keys for movement (or right clicking the mouse) and it uses the left click of the mouse to empty your chambers. So the firing and the movement are separate mechanisms (ala Zax the Alien Hunter). My favourite. Gives you plenty of options to backtrack and lay suppressing fire, or circle strafe round a leggy horde to drop a grenade in the middle. The environments are nicely constructed with blowable walls, and doors that need power to open them, and walls that burst holding fecking millions of the things. The nasties are suitably menacing in very large numbers, bigger bipedal aliens and spitting crawlers etc are all there.

Blowing shit up hasn't been this good for a long time, and the action is relentless. You collect money and ammo on the way, health here and there. You use the money to buy equipment before the next mission. The bint decked out in full red armour (90% damage absorbtion) carrying a minigun is pretty impressive. The music is nice, although I haven't heard many different tracks, it goes plinky plonky for a while, until the horde start emerging then it picks up with the pounding techno, "kill em all". Theres one slight niggle, in that if you use the mouse totally to move and shoot, the pathing AI of your character to the next click point, is virtually non-existent. She'll bang into the wall in a straight line more or less and won't move unless you click somewhere else. This isn't a problem at all if you prefer the more responsive keyboard movement control mechanism. I wouldn't advise using the mouse for both movement and shooting, it slows the action down because you're having to worry about getting to where you want to be, whereas with WSAD I'm already there, and I'm already circling the perimeter of a seething mass of nasties. Gun sounds are great. Empty shells make a clink as they hit the ground! I try to keep the minigun stocked with ammo at all times, but for clearing the wooden boxes that sometimes carry equipment, the two pistols are sufficient. They have infinite ammo. Be careful not to clip a oxygen tank strewn across the floor or kaboom baby, say goodbye to that red armour. You can use the liberally sprinkled oil cans and gas tanks in the environment to organise ambushes that will take only a single bullet to initiate.
Top bloody stuff, this. If you like masacre of aliens on a grand scale its worth a butchers.
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