Monday, 11 March 2002

Gaming TV Shows

TV Gaming shows... why do we have to have presenters with attitude anyway? From what little I've seen of Bits and Thumb Bandits, I prefer the cleaner format of Cybernet. If they could only get a voice presenter and some writers with a bit more gaming nouse, I reckon just watching the game is enough. If you buy a gaming mag, you read the review and furtively glance at the screenies (you're never looking for the chump that wrote it), if you go to a gaming web site, you download the movie whilst skipping through the textual dross, if you happen to be lucky enough to have a video or better yeta DVD strapped to the magazine you slap them in or on and watch the game in action. In fact the more you keep the reviewer away from the actual game the better. Let them throw in points of balance, let them have their opinion - but at the end of the day the snippets I see of the game itself is the thing that will sway me one way or another.

Reading a strategy gamer review is a scarey thing, a) because its strategy but b) because all the reviewers look like c**ts. Don't show me their faces when I read their dribble! Don't make me listen to "wacky and racey" birds pretending to know stuff about the games, if I want to watch birds I put on old re-runs of Baywatch. I want to watch the friggin games, I want more footage less banal shite and competitions. Even cybernet cuts the footage up with an overused piece of cgi showing a TV-headed robot FFS! I don't think the "scene" around gaming can be marketed as a cool "extreme sports" type thing. Not yet anyway. Most gamers are fat bespectacled teens or ageing men. Most work in IT, or are studying IT and most wouldn't dream of slipping into a ski suit and risking life and limb to pull off a 360 degree 'twisty misty'. Fat pizza and beer loving criminals.

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